Allen - Unger
Global Commodity Prices Database
To submit a market commodity data sets please download this file
Email the completed form to:
To complete this form there are several pieces of information needed to make the data appropriate for inclusion in this database:
Data Source
Academic source - scholar responsible for the data. If this is new personal research, please state so
Published title - title of work from which the data were collected. If this is from as yet unpublished work, please state so.
Title bibliography - standard American Economic Review or American Historical Review referencing for the title
(ie date, publisher, ISBN number if possible)
Market Name/Location
Name - City (Moscow) or Region/Province/Duchy/Kingdom (Po Valley or Bavaria) or Country (France)
Latitude and Longitude - decimal location (43.125 N 0.564E)
Market Currency
If Currency data are already in the database, its name is needed
Example - Flemish Groot or English Penny
If it is a new currency, please provide an 'exchange' rate between the currency and grams of silver.
There is a place provided in the submission form for this information.
Note: If your exchange is non-varient (ie one exchange rate regardless of year) please indicate that as well where indicated on the form.
This is the name of the commodity. There are no limitations.
If necessary, please include the "variety" brand or import of non-local commodities.
IE. Holstein wheat sold on the Antwerp market, would have a commody of 'wheat', variety of 'Holstein' and a market of "Antwerp". Unspecified wheat sold on the Anwtwerp market would leave blank the 'variety' information.
Commodity Units
Give the unit used to measure the commodity in the source as well as the metric equivalent for the unit in order to calculate a standard unit of measure. Report the source of the equivalence and method of conversion. Grain for example is converted to litres.
Market Prices
Each entry must have a single date and a non-converted value, that is both in the original currency and original units of measure.